Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ganges, the perennial Holy sacred river devatha clad in her ornate crystal clear ecstatic aura flows from above the board boundless in her virility and vigjan sakthi streams down towards earth plane from her loka of supremacy in all her glory.
Her innocence is her snow white crystal clear ornate robe of entrancing glow.
The frequencies so vibrant, infinitely unpolluted to the extent of infinity, radiating the power of clarity and breath of divinity to the power of infinity.
The rainbow’s colourful ganga an embodiment of purity and compassionate strength smiles with joyful diginity.
Her incomparable unsurpassable undivided power packed maternal instinct just engulfs all souls that have descended.
Any soul at the fag end of denouncing the earth’s crust fighting to free its self from the physical body has to first think of ganga.
At least somebody nearby thinks of ganaga is enough for the soul to attach itself to her, consciously get cocooned into her womb of unconditional care immeasurable moral support which brings into Himalayan relief to the soul during its transition from physical.
That is sthula body to sookshma one.
Ganges the symbol of non attachment but essence of compassion extends her soothing energy to every dying soul naturally or unnaturally .
You don’t have to remember at that juncture of qutting .
Do it now just once and your subconscience will register the cue to remember to hold the thin exceptionally steel like ray of her benevolence.
Yes do it now and here for the peaceful, rhythematic estatic transition in the future when it happens.
Ganga mata ki vandanam.

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