Monday, February 11, 2008


1]. To perceive all the belief system in the right sense.

Any belief of human kind came into existence only to upgrade their emotions-feelings -thoughts etc.

If any belief system of yours makes you unhappy or makes you feel very much suffocating---either that particular belief is not perceived properly or it does not serve the purpose for what it has come into existence.

Believe it—any belief of yours is man made, created by somebody in the past by their intensified faith with undue understanding of that particular situation.

This is where the controversy arises. A strong belief of one person, family, community, society or nation may not and sometimes does not hold for some other person, family, etc.

For those who believe, things fall into place accordingly. At the height of excitement, the strong conviction becomes an irrevocable law for them. Those who do not wish to abide by it become a criminal in their eyes going against their law and thus lead them to kill—to safeguard their belief.

2] Those belief systems which do not serve the purpose at this juncture.

Science and technology is advancing to the fullest. The gap between certain non-scientific belief systems and science and technology is widening, paving the way for confusion and cold war among the irrationals and the rationales'. The ripples begin to imbalance only the commoners and not the ones who conduct the debate. Blind folding the eyes just to safeguard the beliefs for the simple reason hat it is practiced by my great great-grand-parents, great grand parents etc. A great sentimental emotion leads the mankind only towards more of depressive minds, unhappy hearts and total ill-health.

3] All the other dimensions of the earth plane.

What we see with our naked eyes are only the 3 dimensional ones. There are other dimensions which exist simultaneously along with the 3 dimensional ones here.

There is nothing to get confused about these statements. Those which are not visible need not be non-existent. All your inner organs were brought to limelight by your scan equipments. But even before-even without a post-mortem our ancient vaithyars (medicine men) medical professionals could scan the organs hidden below the skin of yours. Mind is the best scanner and gives the best report than your naked eyes. So please do not doubt that which comes to you as guidance.

Within the closed contour of the earthly plane one can come across more number of dimensions. The air thins out into expanding to 4 dimensional, 5 dimensional ones. These dimensions include varied pulses and vibes where the other beings from other planes find it easy to enter and thus enabling the human conscious to connect themselves. They become accessible to willing human beings.

4) Other planes of existence.

These other planes are of two types. One that which is visited by the human conscious and the other, which is not.

The planes where higher dimensional vibrations settle and those where lower dimensional vibrations settle. There are certain planes which no human have had any access at all. Almost all the planes go through certain phenomenal changes every moment. Nothing is permanent.

5) Existence of the planes of messengers and messiahs.

Each and every messenger is being missed by their followers after they drop their physical self. They keep on remembering their guru-godman and thus concentrate on those pulses which start pulsating in their aura. As the intensity increases, the more number of people with the same longing and vibes join the club-thus the threads start knitting together and begin their scintillating stimulus. As a result of these melodious ripples- the plane of messengers thus get created and recreated every moment.

6) The behavior of people-varied ones in correlation with the lower and higher dimensions.

For any plane, the beings are blessed with their own balanced state of existence. When they deviate from that, the atmosphere takes up the cue, synchronises itself with the aura of the concentrated energy thus empowering to choose. As the thoughts intensify, the belief systems take up the u curve in the graph reaching the cliff. At that juncture- the behavioral pattern attracts the lower or higher dimensions accordingly.

Afterwards, either by an external influence or by the intervention of their logical mind affected by the situation of their present—go through the process of waxing or waning. Once again let me remind you—nothing is permanent. No temperament is a continuous event.

So the behavior of people after a normal code of line- attracts the attributes of higher and lower dimensions.

7) The concepts:

A) Akash Ganga.

This is a phenomenal phenomenon. An ever wanted concept by the human kind had always been experienced by highly evolved beings who had let themselves to get exposed to this awesome concept. Nobody can resist an infant (i.e. the normal conscious). These vibrations cannot be expressed or experienced. In this present yuga it is available to the commoners at special moments of their life.

The Akash Ganga can be figured as a fearless, sorrow less, carefree, youth filled, ever blooming, ever laughing, and ever green, all energetic, lovable, compassionate, foretelling, ever approachable, light hearted gypsy---who just radiates hope, courage and joy.

B) Shiv Shakthi.

Shiva Shakthi swaroop is not just a Hindu myth. Ardhanaareesswara ( half man-half woman) is a blending concept. Even before the stone age- long time beyond, even before the concept called knowledge came into existence. Two human prakruthis had lived true to this blending concept. It is not just the balancing of masculine and feminine aspect of a concentrated energy.

It is an extraordinary aspect of two independently empowered concentrated energies coming together not necessarily as man and wife-but a perfect blending of emotional self and mental self which is beyond human comprehension. Here the 3 lettered word EGO loses its power over their mental and emotional selves.

Two physical bodies, but one mind i.e. emotional and mental bodies, breathe together in unison. This is possible for these beings they breathe the air of love, compassion and deep understanding, whenever and wherever this blending occurs—the radiation around these prakruthis is that of oneness and high order of ecstasy. Being of just be. This blending is the first step in acknowledging the understanding of this prabanjam.

C) Crucifixion.

As we all are aware that-impermanency is the only permanent ultimatum everything go through changes constantly. So are we. But we do not wish to accept the changes in other people's lives. We get to change our belief system very often. But most of us are unaware of this. Ignorance leads to believing the non-believers of our belief systems as criminals to be extinguished.

In simple words-"I can exercise free will—but you cannot—if you go ahead it is a sin! To save you from sinning more let me crucify you to be assured a seat in the abode of my—my only one and only god. No god exists except mine. Let me safeguard my god's principles to help the globe trail in the right path i.e. my right path.

D) Astral traveling

Just a curiosity is enough. Next step is willingness to be totally out of your mind. Third is to have belief in what you see and experience. Mind is a vast arena consisting of innumerable layers-regardless of what is being comprehended till now, it still stays an enigma. Too many questions unanswered by the pioneers in this field. Any authentic statement is the conviction held by the minds with intensified aura of belief in what is being projected.

Any experience that makes you feel light-lighter and gives you immense relief as well as content and pleasure surpassing all that you have acquired is a way of enhancing your present life's situation.

Astral traveling is nothing but visiting other dimensions of the earthly plane as well as the other planes of existence consciously or unconsciously. There are no hard and fast rules. Just believing and keep on remembering that such experiences do exist and had been gone through by many of our contemporaries is enough. Try out nothing is impossible.

E) Worldly Gurus.

Any person without any ambiguity or agitation, able to lead the masses into believing that who is conducive for their existence in this plane of ours is a worldly guru. Those who are blessed with the capacity to steer people towards better living conditions and thereafter. There is a pedestal where the guru stays always with the most enticing aura and smile enabling the followers to get healed and get consoled out of their misery by their irrevocable faith and undue adoration to their master. There is so much of admiration. Adoration in their eyes and physical, mental and emotional self. The entire aura of the followers pulsates with their guru's breath, beliefs and attributes. Total surrender to the extent of sacrificing their own life and self to advocate their guru's selfless service and honor them till their last chosen breath.

F) Universal Gurus.

These are the ones who come to the limelight of human conscious and stay put there even after dropping their self. They stay on a pedestal of no heights. Their very presence does not excite the human minds but puts them to rest for ever. They never preach, never formulate principles -never bother about religion, nation etc. Never advocate for their path in salvation-but just walk their path along with the commoners. Here there are no followers, only co-passengers. Everybody is empowered to be made to feel masters of their own self and life.

They believe that

1. Everybody is a unique creation of the creator.

2. Every body can choose their own path of righteousness without interfering with other people's choices and free will.

3. They are in no way greater but very much different.

4. They see, perceive conceive and envision everything differently.

5. They understand that natural calamities are definitely not calamities but natural events meant to occur periodically.

6. Time and space does not exist for them.

7. They walk over the sea-in air-through fire etc.

8. They choose their birth and death.

9. They simply breeze around bringing in all their other dimensions and while leaving the earthly plane, they co-exist

As well as go through the process of the natural one.

10. They never harm themselves or others in any way.

G) Reiki and Beyond.

Reiki is the universal love energy given to human kind in a capsule to be swallowed as a supplement and not as a medicine. It is a way of living system but perceived to be only as a healing system. Does not matter as long as it serves the purpose. Those who practice Reiki as it should be without any reservation or fear empower themselves to look into the beyond. Beyond human conceptions and perceptions. This channels love energy, once practiced to its fullest capacity helps you to equip yourself to face the future now and after dropping the body. Re-choosing is the best attribute of Reiki.

H) Beliefs and fears.

Belief of the non-belief turns out to be the fears. It is of two types- self created ones and the externally influenced ones. It can never be non-committal.

Any belief becomes your thought and creates your reality making you believe more if that, strengthening your belief so much that you start advocating it for others—not bothering to realize that you are encroaching upon others territory. This, when not accepted by others, becomes your fear. When accepted consciously but not at sub-conscious level—it becomes their fear.

I) Behavioral patterns and attitude towards life.

This is a contamination of your beliefs and thoughts, of course boils down to fear.

What you think you become that constantly relieving your conscious mind and becomes your involuntary action-which can be categorized as behavior. Any long standing attitude and belief of yours categorically fall into a pattern of rhythmic as well as non-rhythmic day to day chores. As it gets intensified, without going through many changes over a period of time-the imprints get solidified into your conscious and after a period of time, even if you wish to change consciously, the sub-conscious rebukes to bring you back into your old ways. Thus it becomes your way of life.

J) Height less pedestals.

For a person who is traveling in air—mountain peak and seashore do not make any difference at all. For those who are out of this planet earth- orbiting around in the galaxy—heights in the earthly plane or any other planet just cannot make any difference at all.

Everything becomes an experience the moment you drop your body. Just thoughts in air. Every past event is only in your conscious. So anything of importance loses its importance the moment you choose to release yourself from that totally. So any person standing on a pedestal claiming he/she to be greater is nothing but a pseudo value once he/she re-chooses to visit other dimensions.

So height less pedestals is nothing but a platform of different color. That is all. No pedestal can have any height because there can only be a slight or mountainous difference.

K) Getting old! Appealing phenomena!

Acceptance—non-acceptance are the only two situations in anybody's life. Life is a congregation of innumerably pulsating energies. Which form to concentrate on certain aspects according to that particular concentrated energy's aura vibrating.

Getting old is not a punishment. It is only a difference experience altogether. Till teenage or middle age most of us do not bother about these phenomena. But the shrinking of the skin and graying hair bothers us because of our own non-acceptance. Here we have a very different notion about beauty and health. If we stop for a second, we would realize that healthy mind is the healthy body and healthy body is only a youth filled body. So is it in getting old or getting healthy?

As we grow taller we are happy. We also gain knowledge, strength (mental and physical). If we can tap that particular formula or the sutra to keep ourselves at that pedestal of health and strength -if only we can maintain our balance at that stage of our youth—then age is only number of years. Appealing phenomena isn't it?

My dear friends, we are not bothered about the 'age' because as we pass each year we acquire more knowledge, friends etc.

We are only bothered about losing our youth, wealth, health, friends, knowledge, last but not the least

Life. Otherwise if all these constraints can be sorted out, then getting old would be the most appealing phenomena for one and all.

L) Mind and death.

Mind is the most enigmatic aspect of human self. Mind constantly revels upon something or the other. Whether you want it or not. The only possibility we all believe is that death is the only full stop to our minds constant vibrations. It is not so. Even after the physical self is dropped the mind still continues its work on a different platform. Here we give the platform a technical term 'conscious'.

So death is again not a punishment for your sins but a continuing process like growing getting old etc.

M) Re-choosing death---preponing and postponing.

As we explained in the former topic, death is a continuous process—a continuity of our life---living and existing. Nobody and nothing could be extinguished. One can stop living but can never become non-existent. So it is all there in the air. You always exist. Only thing do you wish to live or not. This you can choose without wavering. Let me tell you let me tell you one can prepone his/her death. Or of course are bestowed with the free will and will power to postpone death

N) Blending into nature.

Air, fire, water, earth and space—everything is nature. But we see and conceive a very strong code lines to categorize all the five. In actual reality all the five elements are one and the same with a different molecular configuration. For your understanding-eyes, ears, hands, legs etc. Are different but depict the same one full body. If you can understand this the you understand this topic

So blending into nature is nothing but getting the sutras to change your configurations to that of all the five elements and also know that all the five are there in your physical and mental self.

O) Breath—Thoughts—Aura

Your breathing is you're first and final. As you breathe you believe that you are breathing only the air. Fortunately or unfortunately it is not so. As you breathe in and out, constantly you breathe any amount of thought to go with your breath which may or may not be conducive to your way of beliefs.

So your beliefs, your thoughts are your breath constantly creating the pulses in the aura of yours.

Thus your breath is an extension of your thoughts and your aura is again an extension of thoughts and breath.

P) Cosmic energy—Atmosphere—Self created aura.

Cosmic energy is the congregated pulses of the entire cosmos. It is always there, exists everywhere, inclusive of all the planets, galaxies, universe etc. The entire prabanjam pulsates with those randomly moving non-orbited fishes. These cosmic energies are brought into one particular confined contour- becomes the atmosphere of any planet or the celestial body. This just creates and co-creates itself into certain pulses which are actually non-committed, non-judgmental. As it comes in contact with the human race—their collective conscious—it becomes the atmosphere of their collective conscious altogether. No doubt about it. Here the human race plays an important role along with the existing living and non-living pulses.

It can create and co-create negative or positive aspects to our way of living. These once again boil down to the singletons called aura. So we with our thoughts along with others create and co-create our aura. It is in our hands, if we want to keep our |aura within ourselves or include others. (Here others can be gurus, masters and ancient heroes of the epics or ditch of our own friends, kith and kin) if we want our aura to be filled with our own, we need to be constantly aware of our slogan:

Every breath is a bonus

Every moment is a bonus

Every day is a bonus --------------for me.

Q) Vasthu of the mind.

If everything is placed in its own place and allowed the rhythm of its own pace then we call it the Vasthu of a place or building etc.

Vasthu is nothing but finding a proper place for everything inclusive of our own as well the others who come into our life on a temporary or a permanent basis.

If this is understood and followed-then we can understand and follow the Vasthu of the mind.

If only we can find the sutras to find a place for all the relevant information's in our mind and have the clarity to discard all the irrelevant ones for the present.

Then the mind becomes a shrine of clarity and light helping the aura and atmosphere to breathe a breath of relief.

R) Vasthu of the human body

As per nature's laws, human body is perfectly built with perfectly balanced organs in place. But the body is not physical self alone. It consists of both emotional and mental body to cope with. When these are not in total co-ordination-then physical body loses its balance and the vasthu -the perfect co-ordination faces total imbalance leading to ailments of all sorts.

If the physical body -the organs are made to be to be aware of their actions and appreciated for their services-then, Vasthu of the body is perfect.

S) 20 Energies

Twenty energies are the sutras or these energies are the vasthu for human mind-thoughts and aura. Just practice willingly and with gratitude and joy. Then the ageing and death becomes your life. Life is nothing but breath.

The twenty energies are:

Love-------determination------trust------freedom/let go------compassion------sincerity/honesty----willingness


Bring all these energies into your self and always use these every moment.

T) Angels.

These are concentrated energies with the aura of joy-peace-bliss and free will-acceptance. They often and almost every moment come and visit our plane from their plane of existence. They are the easily accessible first grade higher beings available for the human beings at our beck and call. They never interfere, complain, and never exercise their spell over us. They are figured and always thought to be of female prakruthis with wings. Very much susceptible fantasy for children. But a reality for those who believe in them.

U) Interaction with angles.

One just has to ask for their consent and then call them mentally to ease any situation of their life. But to get acquainted with them initially you can call them when you are very happy or quite calm and peaceful. Once they become your friends—they are just a phone call away from you. I mean just a telepathy call away from you. Any time you call them with faith and without much pestering they become your benevolent well wishers on whose shoulders you can lean upon for ever.

Interaction with angel's makes you very much in the company of (not the crowd) like minded ones.

V) Interaction with higher beings.

This is almost the same as the interaction with angels. But higher beings can be of any plane. And they help you with your cleansing of your aura (starting with) to your astral traveling. You just have to hold their hand (imaginary one for more faith) and it happens either in sleep or consciously.

Once you become their constant connecting chord—they visit you always and they give you all that are conducive for peace, bliss, and joy.

W) Sorting out the present—formulating the future—discarding the past.

Here the belief—thought plays an important role. As you start interacting with the angles and with the higher beings—this becomes a child's play. Because Vasthu of mind, body and soul are taken care of by the angles and higher beings. They themselves help you to fine-tune your mind—interfere with your thoughts and beliefs. (They take up the liberty) and start shaping up you aura, then the conscious and thus re-choose for yourself.

They show you and assist you in discarding the past---sort out the present and give you clear cut formulas to go ahead with your future and fly along with you for ever there after.

X) Oneness—acceptance—expectations of the tallest order.

The divinity—the prabanjam—the oneness. This is a vast inconceivable aspect. But the basis for oneness is very simple-----------------: acceptance. Acceptance of the self and others. Acceptance of our own situations and the situations of others. Acceptance of our beliefs and as well as other's beliefs. Acceptance of our understandings and the contradictions of others. Acceptance of others non-acceptance.

Where there is acceptance—there is no expectation and the statement expectations of the tallest order has no sense—no meaning at all.

Y) Temples, shrines, mosques, churches in accordance with your own dwelling

All these constructions are constructed with the belief to give them salvation from their past and present and make it easy regarding their future. But it is only temporary, because one visits all these periodically—might be regularly. But none stays there permanently. Those who are there permanently become robots over a period of time performing the rituals mechanically.

But everybody is blessed with a dwelling of their own. If only one can change his/her belief to construct an invisible shrine-temple-mosque-church within his/her own dwelling—then the real purpose of these buildings is served. Because like minded created likened aura and in turn, the atmosphere is filled with layam and shruthi. So you move or visit from one dwelling (home shrine) to another dwelling (common shrine, temple etc.). Then the aura and atmosphere gets synchronized totally and the effect is immense.

Z) Food—profession—goal. ==========life.

Food is the major counterpart to god. Everything depends upon this very simple unavoidable four lettered word. But the reality no one cares to bother about.

Since all the other topics almost dealt with beliefs and thoughts—creating and growing and supplying food-starts from where?

It goes deep down to the lands. The atmosphere of the land where it is grown—the aura of those who work on it—their individual thoughts and beliefs. From here it goes around to their harvesting part, packing stage, brokers, middlemen, dealers, wholesale, retail shoppers, exporters importers and then where it reaches the kitchen and the most important ----the one who cooks. So many constraints.

How it is exhibited and how well mannered it is munched and relished makes you either a wholesome person or the other way round. Only this steers you towards your goal. Where in between lies the correlated profession. Profession is food for your emotional body.Any profession of your choice, to your liing is fine and it steers you towards your balanced state of emotionas. Emotional self thereby balancing your physical self is the best oppurtune for your rememberance,self realisation. To move towards oneness. If not-that which you indulge in-it can be any profession-any noble and honourable one-imbalances your emotional self totally. Pulls you out of your circumferanceof your comfort zone and it in turn affects your Aura. There by the atmosphere at home and the working place.Please think. Because you can always rechoose.


Goal is the food for your mental body.Goal is different from the profession in most of the cases. Goal is something set into anadults mind during his/her foetus stage itself. When they are in trance something clicks deep within and they indulge in dreaming about it without the influence of the con.cept caleed knowledge. They decide upon this inborn crave, but most of the times it does not happen to be that way.

At the back of their mind, they always have this, a feeling of contempt for no reason at all. Some sort of vacuum. The inner joy, a feeling of total content is missing inspite of their success and outer happiness-pedestals etc.

The person, who if at any point of time of their life, happen to log onto his original plan of goal-consciously or by accident,then the inner joy settles in to expand his Aura.As and when he works upon that which propels him towards his goal-he gets to interact with Angels, Higher beings etc. And thus in human form itself attract the right kind of partner( not in your worldly sense) and blends into him/her to attain his/her goal. This is the real living--radiating LOVE, PEACE, JOY, STRENGTH, AND , HEALTH. Only this can be named LIFE.

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